Two major holidays are upon us. Passover begins Wednesday night and Easter is this Sunday. This year, your celebrations will likely be different.
My family’s Passover won’t be the festive meal my mom has hosted for decades. It’ll just be me, my husband and our 2 kids at our house. And, my parents at theirs. Even though we haven’t been closer than 6 feet since mid-March, I called my mom, Jill, to find out exactly how we’re going to make Passover 2020 happen. Hosting a seder is a major undertaking, both culinarily and spiritually. My husband and I have never tackled either by ourselves.
Some recipe suggestions from Jill Katz: Chocolate-Hazelnut Macaroon Torte, Sephardic-Style Charoset, Almond Horn Cookies, Coconut Patties, & Matzo Ball Soup.