Kayla Fossek of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation is the Pendleton Round-Up’s first Native American queen to hold the title since 1953.
It's your lucky day because this quiz is all about Friday, and the number 13. Listen along with Chris from Corvallis to test your luck!
Don’t have a cow, man, but Springfield’s commemorative mural celebrating its ties to “The Simpsons” has turned 10 years old.
We've got aptronyms, anagrams, and foreign languages to puzzle over on this quiz. Listen along with Liko from Springfield and see how you do!
The first program of the new season will feature former U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio addressing threats to democracy.
It’s the time of year when thousands of small birds called Vaux’s Swifts swarm around a defunct chimney on the University of Oregon campus. And like the pop star with the same last name, these Swifts have legions of fans.
Toni Pimble has been both an advocate and sustainer of the arts in Eugene for decades.
Coriolanus, now playing at the Shakespeare Festival’s Thomas Theatre, offers the chance to see a lesser known play by Shakespeare adapted to contemporary language that is easier to understand.
This quiz couldn't be more clear: it's all about using the same word to describe multiple things! Listen along as Donyo from Eugene is put to the test!
Michael Z. Taylor’s the “Willfulness of Being: Finale” is a powerful exploration of the interconnectedness and resilience of trees.
There's nothing bland about this quiz, from cetacean-removal mishaps to a centenarian football rivalry, this trivia touches on various places and personalities around Oregon. Listen along as Brendan from Eugene to put to the test.
Theater of the Oppressed and Playback Theater help generate conversations about social justice and societal change. Marc Weinblatt of the Mandala Center for Change speaks with Oregon Grapevine host Barbara Dellenback about how theater works in therapeutic settings and with disparate groups.