Law enforcement and state officials continue to receive death threats from people angered over the shooting of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.
“Kill cops because they are cops, if for no other reason,” one man believed to be from Oregon wrote on social media. “Just walk up asking for directions and shoot them in the [expletive] face.”
The same man, who police believe lives in Tillamook County, expressed satisfaction at the recent death of Seaside police Sgt. Jason Goodding, who was shot earlier this year while apprehending a suspect.
That and many other threats were detailed in documents released Friday by the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office. The agency has led the investigation into the Jan. 26 shooting of Finicum.
Anger in the documents is partially directed toward the FBI. The federal agency has refused to name members of its Hostage Rescue Team who fired shots at Finicum, and then failed to report those shots to investigators.
So far, investigators have also refused to release the names of the Oregon State Police officers who fired at Finicum, citing safety concerns. Friday’s documents show a steady flow of threats since the incident.
In one report, the Crook County Sheriff’s Office took a statement from the wife of a state trooper, who said someone had spray painted the words “OSP cop” near her home with an arrow pointing at the residence.
Another person called state police and said he planned to burn copies of the Quran outside the home of an officer who shot Finicum.
“If I was a member of the crew who ‘took down’ LaVoy Finicum. I would know this: no matter where you hide, you and your families will be exposed,” another man wrote in an email to police officers. “Until you are tried and acquitted in your community by a jury of your peers, your lives will continue to be worth less than a bucket of warm spit.”
Another person — believed to be from Watervliet, New York — threatened Harney County Sheriff David Ward. Ward acted as the public face of law enforcement throughout the 41-day refuge occupation and repeatedly asked the militants to leave.
“He is still alive?” the man wrote on Facebook. “What’s his address? Seriously.”
Investigators also released transcripts of several calls to Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, many of which contained misogynistic terms when referring to her.
“If she orders a hit on those ranchers and we’re all about the rise up, she’s going to come and get hers so deal with it [expletive],” one caller said.
Along with the threats, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office released emails detailing how law enforcement are collecting DMV records, criminal history and addresses for some of the people who have made threatening remarks.