A new casino is opening in Coos Bay Thursday, bringing jobs and competition to the area. It will be called the Three Rivers Casino in Coos Bay.
Three Rivers projects the new casino will add more than 90 full time jobs with benefits in Coos Bay. The original casino is in Florence. The new expansion is part of the evolution into a full resort property according to Assistant general manager, Bob Garcia.
"Speaking as a tribal member, I think that this is the largest business enterprise that we will have in Coos Bay. Having studies show that it is financially viable, having it be where the headquarters of the tribe are made sense. It is something that we’re excited about.”
Three Rivers is run by the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw. It isn't the only tribally run casino in Coos Bay, the Coquille tribe runs the Mill Casino.
Garcia: “On one side you may say that this is competitive with the mill casino. On the other side it is no different than having Safeway and Fred Meyer competing in a market.”
The Three Rivers grand opening is May 7th.