Oregon State University students will see a tuition hike for the 2019-2020 academic year after OSU’s Board of Trustees approved the increase on Friday, April 5th.
Full time Oregon resident undergraduates will pay 4.29% more to attend the Corvallis campus, while students at OSU-Cascades in Bend will pay 4.44% more. That brings the total to $11,708 for resident Oregon undergraduate students taking 15 credit hours per term on OSU’s Corvallis campus.
Tuition also will increase for graduate students, non-resident students and students enrolled in Ecampus, the university’s online education program.
Approximately $3.8 million of the tuition increase will be dedicated to increasing the amount of need-based financial aid that the university provides students.
The Board heard testimony from eight undergraduate students, graduate students and university employees who opposed the tuition increases. Trustees, OSU leaders and students continue to urge Oregon legislators to increase support for higher education.