Four healthcare sites in Oregon were awarded grants from the affordable care act Thursday. The funds, totaling over $2.3 million, will be used to bring community-based care to those who need it most.
The Umpqua Community Health Center in Roseburg was chosen to receive 316-thousand dollars. The money will be used to open and provide support for a new clinic in Sutherlin. Development Director Brenda Lewis says north Douglas County is currently underserved. She's excited because the benefits from the grant will be felt quite soon:
Lewis: "We'll be starting on some of the activities immediately. The facility needs to be up and operational within 120 days of our award. So by March 1 we have to have our doors open and be seeing patients."
The center will use existing offices just off I-5. Lewis expects to hire healthcare providers, nurses and receptionists shortly.
The other Oregon grant winners are in Bandon, Medford, and the Portland metro area.