Lane County Public Health officials kicked into high gear Tuesday after a case of measles was confirmed in Eugene. They have launched a full investigation to determine the potential reach of the case. It is believed the un-named 40-something man who lives and works in Eugene, contracted the disease while at Disneyland.
County Health spokesman Jason Davis says hundreds of people have been notified, interviewed and in some cases, tested.
Davis: “Immediate family and they move out from there. To employers and hobbies, things they might have done in the community. Places where they shopped, their modes of transportation-- so if they rode an airplane or if they traveled by car, train bus, etc… And we just try to contact everyone and had one of the points of contact.”
Davis says it is likely the man with measles never got a booster to the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccination. People are considered immune if they received two doses of vaccination or if they have had measles in their lifetime.
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease with a long incubation period. Symptoms include fever, cough and a rash that covers the whole body.
Lane County Public Health sent out the following press release Wednesday afternoon:
Lane County Public Health (LCPH) has identified four businesses in the Eugene area that were exposed to measles between December 30, 2014, and January 7, 2015. These locations were specified by the patient who was part of the Disneyland outbreak during LCPH’s epidemiological investigation.
It is recommended that anyone who visited the following locations on the given dates AND IS EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS contact Lane County Public Health immediately, at (541) 682-4041.
Winco Foods on Barger Avenue; December 30, 2014 (12/30/14) and January 7, 2015 (1/7/15)
Mongolian Grill at Sheldon Shopping Center on Coburg Road; December 31, 2014 (12/31/14)
Lumber Liquidators on West 11th; December 31, 2014 (12/31/14)
Bi-Mart on Willakenzie; January 2, 2015 (1/2/15) and January 3, 2015 (1/3/15)