Recorded On: December 8, 2017
Air Date: December 11, 2017
Oregon funds its health care program for low income people, the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), from a variety of sources including taxes and federal matching funds. During the 2017 Oregon legislative session, the legislators passed new taxes on some hospitals and insurance companies to continue the expansion of OHP under the Affordable Care Act. Oregon Representatives Julie Parrish, Sal Esquivel, and Cedric Hayden succeeded in placing a referendum for a public vote in a January 23, 2018 special election. A “yes” vote on the Measure affirms the assessment on hospitals and insurance companies. Two members of the Oregon House of Representatives will speak on opposing sides of the measure.
Speaker Biographies:
Oregon Representative Cedric Hayden, speaking against measure 101, is a dentist and legislator representing portions of eastern and southern Lane County, including Roseburg. Hayden has been a zealous advocate in the legislature and his practice for dental needs of Oregon’s poor. He serves on the Human Services Subcommittee of the joint Ways and Means Committee.
Oregon Representative Dan Rayfield, speaking in favor of Measure 101, is a lawyer-legislator representing Corvallis. In his practice, he represents consumers and civil rights litigants. He serves as a co-chair of the Human Services Subcommitee of Joint Ways and Means Committee. He helped pass the legislation imposing the assessments to fund OHP.
Program Coordinator: Joel Korin
Copyright KLCC, 2017