Bloodworks Northwest and the Red Cross are still experiencing high demand for blood, and supplies are still low.
Vicki Finson, with Bloodworks Northwest, said there has been a significant increase in people making appointments, but they still need donors.
“Summertime is always a tough time for donations,” Finson said, “because people are out doing fun stuff in the beautiful outdoors or taking some trips, and I think this year it’s hit even harder, because people are trying to shed some of the pandemic fatigue, and hence our blood inventories are running at very critically low levels.”
The Lane County fair is partnering with Bloodworks Northwest to offer free one-day passes to blood donors through their “Pint for a Pass” promotion.
Bloodworks Northwest is accepting appointment-only visits, Finson says, and they plan to stay that way.
“Our belief is that we will stay appointment-only even after the pandemic,” Finson said, “because it provides a much better donor experience; no waiting, get in and out faster, is allows us to ensure our staffing levels, it’s just really a superior experience for the donors”
Donors are encouraged to make appointments at local donation centers.