Eugene’s White Bird Clinic will release a free comprehensive guide book for Lane County’s unhoused population. The pilot project combines a list of about four hundred resources.
It’s called the “Little Help Book” and inside it’s packed with information on where to find food, how to access birth control, and how to find emergency services. The name stems from a resource guide called the "Help Book" which White Bird Clinic has published since the 1980’s, said Heather Sielicki, a coordinator for the project.
“We wanted to build on the local information in the "Help Book" but make it more accessible to the community,” Sielicki said. She said she then met with Steve Kimes a pastor with the Eugene Mennonite Church. He suggested mirroring Portland’s "Street Roots Resource Guide."
Thus, the Little Help Book was born. The booklet is more than 80-pages long and is separated by categories based on needs. And, each listing includes a brief description, an address and contact information.
“This just a really trusted resource where you can be sure that the information has been verified and you don’t have to go on a wild goose chase to get the information that you need,” Sielcki said.
The guide was made possible with the help of Lane County, the City of Eugene, HIV Alliance, Sponsors, and Community Supported Shelters.
Sielicki says 5,000 paper copies of the first-edition will be made available in February. Until then, a PDF version is available online.