Recorded: July 19, 2019
Air Date: July 22, 2019
From the City Club of Eugene Website:
It was an exciting session, marked with both cooperation and conflict. The passage of a major education funding bill occurred only after a walkout by some and concessions by others. The Legislature also dealt with daylight saving time, the National Popular Vote bill and changes in the assisted suicide law. What happened to sensible gun safety measures or removal of exemptions for vaccinations? Find out what passed and what failed and how your favored piece of legislation fared. Come hear what your legislators want to accomplish in the short session.
James Manning is the Senator from district 7 covering Eugene and Junction City. After a distinguished military career, he and his wife “retired” to Eugene where he served on many boards and commissions, such as chairing the Eugene Police Commission. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees and is in the dissertation phase of his doctorate in Organizational Leadership.
Since 1994, Floyd Prozanski has been the Senator from the representing District 4, which spans Southern and Eastern Lane County as well as Northern and Eastern Douglas County. He is a graduate of Texas A and M and South Texas School of Law and currently serves as a municipal prosecutor in Eugene.
Julie Fahey is in her second term as the representative from house district 14, covering Junction City and western Eugene. After earning her bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, she was a business consultant for 17 years prior to joining the Oregon House of Representatives.
James Manning-Oregon State Senator District 7
Floyd Prozanski-Oregon State Senator District 4
Julie Fahey-Oregon State Representative District 14
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