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? ? ? N A T I O N A L ? ? ?
? ? ? S T A T E ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 6:00 a.m.***
Races that have been called reflect only the winner or outcome.
S T A T E O F F I C E S____________________________________
Secretary of State:
Shemia Fagan (Democrat/Working Families) - WINNER
State Treasurer:
Tobias Reed (Democrat/Working Families) - WINNER
Attorney General:
Ellen Rosenblum (Democrat/Independent/Working Families) - WINNER
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
Measure 107: Amends Constitution: Allows laws limiting political campaign contributions and expenditures, requiring disclosure of political campaign contributions and expenditures, and requiring political campaign advertisements to identify who paid for them. YES
Measure 108: Increases cigarette tax and cigar taxes. Establishes tax on e-cigarettes and nicotine devices. Funds health programs. YES
Measure 109: Allows manufacture, delivery, administration of psilocybin at supevised, licensed facilities; imposes two-year development period. YES
Measure 110: Provides statewide addiction/recovery services; marijuana taxes partially finance; reclassifies possession/penaltites for specified drugs. YES
L E G I S L A T I V E O F F I C E S _____________________________
State Representative, 7th District:
Cedric Hayden (Republican) - WINNER
State Representative, 8th District:
Paul Holvey (Democrat) - WINNER
State Representative, 9th District:
Boomer Wright (Republican/Libertarian) - WINNER
State Representative, 10th District:
David Gombert (Democrat/Independent) - WINNER
State Representative, 11th District:
Marty Wilde (Democrat) - WINNER
State Representative, 12th District:
John Lively (Democrat) - WINNER
State Representative, 13th District:
Nancy Nathanson (Democrat) - WINNER
State Representative, 14th District:
Julie Fahey (Democrat) - WINNER
C I T Y O F P O R T L A N D______________________
Ted Wheeler - WINNER
? ? ? B E N T O N ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 6:00 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
Commissioner Position 2:
- Xan Augerot (Democrat) | [58.79% | 28,781]
- Mike Beistein (Green) | [9.89% | 4,842]
- Tom Cordier (Republican) | [31.03% | 15,193]
- Write-in | [0.28% | 139]
Total : 48,955
Commissioner Position 3:
- Nancy V. Wyse (Democrat) | [63.73% | 31,006]
- John E. Sarna (Republican) | [31.89% | 15,515]
- Cody Serdar (Libertarian) | [4.17% | 2,031]
- Write-in | [0.21% | 102]
Total : 48,654
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
City of Philomath Measure 2-126: Charter Amendment to limit Elected Officers to three four-year terms, staggered Council terms, and longer residency requirements.
[ Yes | 74.64% | 2,110]
[No | 25.36% | 717]
[Total: 2,827]
Brownly-Marshall Road District Measure 2-127: Renewal of Local Option Tax for Operations. Renews $0.20 per $1,000 of assessed value tax for general operations for five years beginning 2021-2022.
[ Yes | 82.14% | 46]
[No | 17.86% | 10]
[Total: 56]
Chinook Drive Road District Measure 2-128: Request to Renew a Five-Year Operations Option Tax. Renews five-year local option tax at $0.85 per $1,000 assessed value beginning 2021-2022 for road district operations.
[ Yes |71.24% | 109]
[No | 28.76 % | 44]
[Total: 153]
Alsea School District 7J Measure 2-129: Authorizes General Obligation Bonds for School Facility Imporvements. Issues $2,100,000 in general obiligation bonds for capital costs and facility improvements, and recieves a $1,740,000 state grant. If approved, bonds will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.
[ Yes | 51.20% | 299]
[No | 48.80% | 285]
[Total: 584]
C I T Y OF C O R V A L L I S ___________________________
City Council Ward 7:
- Nic Bowman | [30.08% | 987]
- Paul Shaffer | [69.00% | 2,264]
- Write-in | [0.91% | 30]
Total : 3,281
C I T Y O F P H I L O M A T H_____________________________
- Chas Jones | [50.74% | 1,403]
- Doug Edmonds | [48.97%|1,354 ]
- Write-in | [0.29% | 8 ]
Total : 2,765
? ? ? D E S C H U T E S ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 6:00 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
Commissioner Position 2:
- Phil Henderson | [ 47.63% | 55,839]
- Phil Chang | [52.28% | 61,294]
- Write-in | [0.09% |101 ]
Total : 117,234
- L. Shane Nelson | [55.93% | 59,484]
- Scott Shaier | [43.67% | 46,437]
- Write-in | [0.4% | 426]
Total : 106,347
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
Deschutes County Measure 9-134: Concerning additional commercial marijuana businessess in unincorporated Deschutes County. Would allow additional commercial marijuana porducers, processors, and processing sites in Deschutes County's unincorporated areas (outside city limits).
[ Yes | 42.09% |49,352]
[No | 57.91% | 67,909 ]
[Total: 117,261]
City of Bend Measure 9-135: Bonds for Traffic Flow, East-West Connections, Neighborhood Safety Improvements. Funds traffic flow, east-west connections, and neighborhood safety improvement projects citywide by issuing bonds up to $190,00,000.
[Yes | 58.16% | 33,154]
[No | 41.84% | 23,847 ]
[Total: 57,001]
Deschutes Public Library District Measure 9-139: Bonds to renovate, upgrade, construct and equip library facilities. Would allow bonds to upgrade facilities, increase space for community use/programs, children's discovery/learning, and books and technology
[ Yes | 52.26% | 61,521]
[No | 47.74% | 56,208 ]
[Total: 117,729]
Redmond School District Measure 9-140: Bonds to increase safety, security, health; repair schools; add classrooms. Would increase safety, repair schools, add classrooms, and issue bonds with citizen oversight. Estimated to increase current tax rate.
[ Yes | 58.59% | 17,588]
[No | 42.09% | 49,352]
[Total: 30,018]
? ? ? D O U G L A S ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 6:00 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
- Dan Loomis - Unopposed | [ 98.45% | 41,199]
- Write-in | [1.55% | 648]
Total : 41,847
- John Hanlin - Unopposed | [97.71% | 46,849]
- Write-in | [2.29% | 1,098]
Total : 47,947
- Samuel Lee - Unopposed | [98.58% | 38,892 ]
- Write-in | [1.43% | 546]
Total : 39,456
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
City of Reedsport Measure 10-177: Would impose a tax on the sale of marijuana items by recreational marijuana retailers in the of Reedsport to be determined by the city council and could not be more than 3% of the retail sales price. The tax would not be imposed on medical marijuana sales.
[ Yes | 55.15% | 1,275]
[No | 44.85% | 1,037]
[Total: 2,312]
City of Winston Measure 10-178: Would amend code to allow marijuana retailers additional locations as permitted under state regulations.
[ Yes |45.45%| 1,280]
[No |54.55%| 1,536]
[Total: 2,816]
City of Winston Measure 10-179: Would impose a 3% tax on sales of marijuana items by recreational marijuana retailers in the city of Winston.
[ Yes | 64.08% | 1,802]
[No | 35.92% | 1,010]
[Total: 2,812]
10-180 Douglas County Advisory Question: Asks if Douglas County Commissioners, State Representatives, and Senators should work toward moving Idaho state border to include Douglas County.
[ Yes | 43.27% | 26,407]
[No | 56.73% | 34,621]
[Total: 61,028]
? ? ? L A N E ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 6:00 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
Commissioner Position 3
- Laurie Trieger | [ 53.71% | 17,073]
- Joel Iboa | [45.54% | 14,476]
- Write-in | [0.75% | 239]
Total : 31,788
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
Oakridge Measure 20-308: Five-year public safety operations local option tax. Would impose $2.73 per $1,000 of assessed value for five years beginning July 1, 2021-2022 for public safety services. This measure may cause property taxes to increase to more than 3%.
[ Yes | 34.00% | 513]
[No | 66.00% | 996]
[Total: 1,509]
Eugene Measure 20-309: Renewal of Five-Year Library Local Option Levy. Would renew current local oprion taxes to allow Eugene to levy $2,850,000 a year for five years begninning 2021-22 to maintain the current level of library services.
[ Yes | 76.72% | 70,300]
[No | 23.28% | 21,332]
[Total: 91,632]
Lane Fire District Measure 20-310: Would impose $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value for general operations for five years beginning 2021-22. This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than 3%.
[ Yes | 37.91% |5,487]
[No |62.09%|8,985]
[Total: 14,472]
Springfield Measure 20-311:Levy for Fire and Life Safety Services. Levy would impose $0.38 per $1,000 of assessed value, for five years beginning FY 2021-22 for fire and life safety services. This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than 3%.
[ Yes | 55.32%| 16,250 ]
[No |44.68%|13,127]
[Total: 29,377]
Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District Measure 20-312: Would adopt a permanent rate limit authorizing levy of up to $0.07 per $1.000 assessed value, beginning fiscal year 2021-22.
[ Yes |60.02%|106,535]
[No | 39.98% | 70,974 ]
[Total: 177,509]
McKenzie School District Measure 20-313: Would issue $15,215,000 in bonds and receive $4,000,000 in state matching grant to renovate schools. If approved, bonds would be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.
[ Yes | 47.92% | 612]
[No | 52.08% | 665]
[Total: 1,277]
Bethel School District Measure 20-314: Would issue $99.3 million in obligation bods to update educational materials, improve student safety, and repair and contstruct facilites. If approved bonds would be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.
[ Yes | 65.71% | 13,552]
[No | 34.29% | 7,071]
[Total: 20,623]
Goshen Rural Fire Protection District Measure 20-315: Would annex all territory located within the Pleasent Hill Fire District boundaries.
[ Yes | 75.49% |1,087]
[No | 2451%| 353]
[Total: 1,440]
Fern Ridge Measure 20-317: Renews five-year local option levy for general library operations at $0.35 per $1,000 assessed value begninning 2022-23.
[ Yes | 57.89%| 4,334]
[No | 42.11%| 3,152]
[Total: 7,486]
C I T Y O F E U G E N E_____________________________
- Lucy Vinis | [90.38% | 57,271]
- Write-in | [9.62% | 6,094]
Total : 63,365
Councilor Ward 1:
- Eliza Kashinsky | [40.72% | 4,321]
- Emily Semple | [58.56% | 6,214 ]
- Write-in | [0.73% | 77 ]
Total : 10,612
C I T Y O F F L O R E N C E _____________________________
- Jo Beaudreau | [48.64% | 2,694]
- Joe Henry | [50.89% | 2,819]
- Write-in | [0.47% | 26]
Total : 5,539
- Bill Meyer | [30.97% | 2,652]
- Sally Wantz | [32.96% | 2,737]
- Maggie Bagon | [25.60% | 2,192]
- Write-in | [11.48% | 988]
Total : 8,564
C I T Y O F S P R I N G F I E L D ___________________________
Council Ward 3:
- Johanis Tadeo | [44.33% | 9,900]
- Kori Rodley | [53.93% | 12,043]
- Write-in | [1.73% | 387]
Total : 22,330
? ? ? L I N C O L N ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 7:30 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
Commissioner Position 2:
- Claire Hall | [55.25% | 14,474]
- Joe Hitselberger | [44.3.% | 11,605]
- Write-in | [0.45% | 118]
Total : 26,197
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
Measure 21-198: Renews local option tax for Central Oregon Coast Fire at $1.27 per $1,000 assessed value for five years beginning 2021-22.
[ Yes | 75.18% | 1,760]
[No | 24.82% | [581]
[Total: 2,341]
? ? ? L I N N ? ? ?
***UPDATED 11/4/20 | 7:00 a.m.***
C O U N T Y ____________________________________
Commissioner Position 2:
- Roger Nyquist- Unopposed [ 96.46% | 50,583]
- Write-in | [3.54% | 1,859]
Total : 52,442
Commissioner Position 3:
- Christopher Wade (Libertarian) | [2.20% | 1,478]
- Scott Bruslind (Democrat) | [26.37% | 17,697]
- Sherrie Sprenger (Republican) | [65.36% | 43,861]
- Gary Sullivan (Independent) | [5.89% | 3,951]
- Write-in | [0.18% | 118]
Total : 67,105
B A L L O T M E A S U R E S ______________________________
Linn County Measure 22-183: Would enact a law enforcement levy at $3.08 per $1,000 bginning in 2022 for four years for operations. This measure may cause proprety taxes to increase more than 3%.
[ Yes | 37.21% | 25,072]
[No | 62.79% | 42,312]
[Total: 67,384]
C I T Y O F A L B A N Y _______________________________
- Alex Johnson II | [51.32% | 11,094]
- Sharon Konopa | [47.99% | 10,374]
- Write-in | [0.70% | 151]
Total : 21,619
Councilor Ward IB:
- Matilda Novak | [ 46.32% | 2,120]
- Sean Knowles | [ 10.53% | 482]
- Keith Kolkow | [ 42.65% | 1,952]
- Write-in | [ 0.50% | 23]
Total : 4,577
City of Albany, Councilor Ward IIB:
- Ray Kopczynski | [ 50.33% | 2,828]
- Amanda L. Dant | [ 48.25% | 2,711]
- Write-in | [ 1.42% | 80 ]
Total : 5,619
Councilor Ward IIIB:
- Jessi Brenneman | [ 44.27% | 3,805]
- Marilyn Smith | [ 54.66% | 4,698 ]
- Write-in | [ 1.07%| 92]
Total : 8,595
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