1 in 5 Oregonians will rely on a food pantry or soup kitchen in 2016. This is according to a recent survey from the Oregon Food Bank.
The "Hunger Factors" report looked at Oregonians who receive food assistance. One important finding is that 36% of food recipients said they visit their local food pantry regularly – at least 12 times annually. That's up 5% from a few years ago.
Oregon Food Bank C.E.O. Susannah Morgan says the findings are actually both good and bad news. More people are working, they're just not making enough money.
Morgan: "Compared to 2012 – the folks who are accessing food assistance who are also actively seeking work, fall into the 'unemployed' category, has gone down. So, in 2012, it was 23% of the people we served, and in 2015, it was 16%."
Another comparison between the 2015 and 2012 surveys – more people over age 65 are food bank clients. And, 28% of respondents said they worry "often" or "always" about where their next meal is coming from.