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How Effective Is Local Law Enforcement Oversight?


  • Mark Gissiner, Eugene Police Auditor
  • Bernadette Conover, Chair, Civilian Review Board
  • Cooper Brinson, Staff Attorney, Civil Liberties Defense Center
  • Joel Iboa, Member, Integration Network

Coordinator:  Mary Leighton

Alarming events in the last few years have reminded communities all over the nation of the importance of competent policing. Our general need to maintain safety and order for everyone has often seemed at odds with the particular need to protect law enforcers from the hazards inherent their work. To help us identify and resolve issues like “profiling” and “use of excessive force” while supporting enforcement the laws we enact, public and private agencies have been created. They observe events, gather data, listen to complaints, and try to help us increase justice in law enforcement that operates in complex situations.  In this program, representatives of four local agencies will describe their work in this field.

Mark Gissiner is the Eugene Police Auditor and Bernadette Conover is the chair of the Civilian Review Board. The Office of the Police Auditor and the Civilian Review Board operate as independent, civilian entities performing oversight of the Eugene Police Department. They report directly to, and are funded by, the Eugene City Council. Civilians make complaints about EPD directly to the Auditor and Review Board, which investigate, mediate, and recommend.

Cooper Brinson works at The Civil Liberties Defense Center, whose mission focuses on defending and upholding civil liberties through education, outreach, litigation, and legal support and assistance. The CLDC does extensive training to help citizens learn how to exercise their rights and serve as legal observers, among other things.

Joel Iboa is a leader in a coalition of groups called the Integration Network for Immigrants of Lane County. The Integration Network´s mission is to create a welcoming environment that fosters integration and well-being for all immigrants.

copyright 2016, klcc