Are small-scale nuclear reactors part of Eugene’s future? The Eugene Water and Electric Board suggests it's a possibility.
This City Club of Eugene program discusses Oregon’s current energy sources, the energy mix shared by the West coast, and the options available to us as we try to balance the promise of future technology with the realities of technologies available today.
In the world of nuclear power, one technology is generating debate: factory-produced reactors that are no bigger than a house. A bill to help bring…
Researchers at Oregon State University have found trace levels of radiation from Fukushima in albacore tuna caught off the Oregon coast. Results of the…
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is saying cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is like something out the movie “Groundhog Day.” In a boathouse on the…
Fifty years ago Thursday, President John F. Kennedy stepped off a Marine helicopter into the dry heat of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeast…