The City Club of Eugene has invited representatives for and against Ranked Choice Voting to present their case to our community and help voters better understand the measure before casting their votes.
This May, Eugene voters will decide whether to become the first city in the world to elect political candidates through a scorecard. The proposal is called STAR Voting, and it would apply to races for Mayor, City Council and EWEB, starting in 2026.
A proposal to bring rating-based voting to Eugene has qualified for the ballot next May.
More than three weeks after Election Day, Corvallis residents have finally learned who their next mayor is going to be.
The next mayor of Corvallis likely won’t be known until December. That’s because of the city’s use of ranked choice voting.
Some advocates hope voting changes could help populist third-party candidates – others hope they’ll help moderates.
Voters in Corvallis will choose a new mayor this fall using a voting method that allows people to rank candidates in order of preference.
Supporters of a voting method that allows people to rank candidates in order of preference want to give Oregonians the chance to use the method in statewide elections.
For the first time ever, some Oregon voters used ranked choice voting to select candidates in this month’s election.Ranked choice voting applies in races…
Voters in Benton County will be the first in Oregon to use a method of voting that allows them to rank candidates in their order of preference.It’s called…
Recorded on: May 5, 2017Air Date: May 8, 2017Is our current method of voting the best? Do the winners of elections reflect the popular will? Many election…