Summer is also roadwork season in Oregon. The City of Eugene is taking on some big repairs this year.
Kelsey Moore is with the City of Eugene. She said most projects aim to extend the life of roads, but crews will add sidewalk ramps and upgrade water pipes as well. These “Pavement Improvement Projects” include Roosevelt Boulevard and Lincoln Street. Moore said construction like on South Willamette improves the city’s transportation network.
“So it’s adding bike lanes, wider sidewalks, making it easier for everyone to get through that space," she told KLCC. "For next year, we’re going to be adding a two-way bikeway to High Street, we will be adding bike lanes and improving 8th Avenue from downtown through to the riverfront.”
Moore said pavement projects are funded by the 2017 bond measure and local gas taxes. Network projects draw from other funds, like grants. Some repairs, like on Fairmount and 19th Street near the University of Oregon, may run through November.