About one-fourth of the UCC Strong fund has been distributed to those affected by the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg.
The fund for victims and others affected by the shooting has reached nearly $700,000. Donations are still coming in from around the world. $145,000 has gone to those closest to the tragedy and who need it most. Brian Prawitz with the UCC Strong Committee says they will determine who is eligible to receive money.
Prawitz: "We may not make everyone happy and it's going to be a difficult task, but it's a necessary task. And the goal really is to try to make sure that everyone who needs healing is at least given the opportunity to heal."
Prawitz says two staff members from Virginia Tech who went through the 2007 shooting there came to Roseburg to help. They gave insights into managing donated funds and said the recovery process is a marathon and will take years.
Greater Douglas County United Way is accepting donations for the UCC Strong Fund.
The Umpqua Community College Foundation is taking donations for student scholarships.