Across Eugene and Springfield, clean-up efforts are underway after Wednesday’s freezing rain lead to 17,000 residents without power, and countless downed trees and limbs. KLCC’s Brian Bull reports.
On the south end of Willamette Street leading up Spencers Butte, Aaron Smith and a couple friends are cutting up a downed tree that blocks half the road.
The three have their work cut out for them…the foggy landscape is littered with fallen branches and debris.
“It’s everywhere, you can go anywhere in these hills and every five minutes, you’ll hear a new branch or a new tree fall down. It’s chaos. We just need to have all this ice melt so we can have the clear roads and not worry about cars slippin’ and slidin’, and dangerous things on the road.”
Across town, road and utility crews are also working to remove downed trees, weighed down by a heavy glaze of ice.
Residents are warned to stay clear of iced-over trees and foliage, deemed “widowmakers” by forestry officials. And people are urged to report downed trees or road hazards to 541-682-4800 instead of 911.