Eugene Water and Electric Board says there’s no danger of a power shortage in Eugene. The utility says 80% of the power it delivers comes from outside sources. Most of it comes from the Bonneville Power Administration system which hasn't been impacted by the fires here.
EWEB does has 3 generating projects on the McKenzie. The Leaburg and Walterville projects are close to the Holiday Farm fire, and aren’t generating power. The Carmen-Smith hydro project is east of the fire and safe. This project went offline Monday night during the wind storm and EWEB hasn’t tried to restore operations there.
The utility also says it’s hearing concerns about water quality.
EWEB says its water is drawn from the lower McKenzie River, then treated at the Hayden Bridge filtration plant and it’s safe to drink. As a precautionary measure, it has increased monitoring of raw and treated water for pollutants related to fire impacts.