It’s been more than four years since the Holiday Farm fire destroyed hundreds of homes along the McKenzie River. Last Friday, Homes for Good held a grand opening to celebrate a completely rebuilt housing community where a mobile home park once stood.
Three Willamette Valley vineyards are suing two regional utility companies for alleged neglect and for not shutting down power to the transmission lines they say contributed to the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire east of Eugene.
The McKenzie Community Land Trust is breaking ground on six affordable homes in Blue River for people who survived the Holiday Farm Fire.
Regrowth and renewal were the themes of a special ceremony in Blue River on Sunday. The event was also to highlight the history of Native Americans in the McKenzie River Corridor.
Four years after it was destroyed in the Holiday Farm fire, the McKenzie River Clinic has been rebuilt on its original site in Blue River.
The Eugene Water and Electric Board has extended a grant program aimed to help homeowners in the McKenzie Valley repair or replace their septic systems.
A federal utility has filed a motion to be dismissed from three federal lawsuits related to 2020’s Holiday Farm Fire, which devastated several communities east of Eugene.
Timber companies have filed a federal lawsuit against three utilities alleging gross negligence and recklessness in events leading up to 2020’s Holiday Farm Fire.
Tuesday’s lightning storms sparked at least a dozen small fires across the Willamette Valley. Inter-agency fire crews are stretching their resources to blot out every blaze.
Hotter temperatures mean wildfire season is underway across many parts of the U.S. And while news crews tend to put away the mics and cameras once the firefighters leave, for residents in communities that have burned, the repercussions continue long after the flames are out.
This weekend, about 100 people gathered in Blue River to celebrate the grand opening and dedication of its new fire station.
A mobile home park destroyed by the Holiday Farm Fire in 2020 is being rebuilt, with new units expected this summer.