Evacuation orders remain in place for several communities throughout the region as wildfires continue to burn, many of them without any containment. Officials have warned residents that areas under Level 3 Evacuated areas, including the roads within those areas, are closed to the public. The closures are necessary to protect the safety of everyone.
Wildfire Evacuation Resources List
As wildfire evacuation notices continue to update, here is a list of websites for up to date information in different counties.
Emergency Alert, Fire Update Websites
- Incident Information System
- Office of Emergency Management—Fires and Hotspots Dashboard
- Central Oregon Fire
Benton County
Douglas County
- Douglas County Fire Evacuation Map--Archie Creek Fire
- Douglas County Sheriff's Office (Facebook)
- Archie Creek Fire Facebook
Lane County
Lincoln County
Linn County
Marion and Clackamas County
- Beachie Creek Fire (Facebook)
- Marion County Website
- Clackamas County Website
- Marion County Sheriff's Office
- Lionshead Fire Facebook
Evacuation Announcements By County:
Note: As of 09/25/2020 this post is no longer being updated please check the links above for further updates.
BENTON COUNTY____________________________________ __
[Update: 9/12/2020 5 p.m.]Corvallis, ORE. - For the remainder of the weekend, the Linus Pauling Middle School will be the primary clean air option for overnight sheltering location for evacuees. The Benton County Fairgrounds will remain the car camping, RV camping, and supply and meal distribution site for evacuees.
The Benton County Emergency Operations Center is shifting to focus on streamlining for collecting and distributions donations and deploying volunteers. The Linus Pauling Middle School clean air option for overnight sheltering includes basic showering amenities.
See https://co.benton.or.us/wildfireresponse or follow @BentonCoGov on social media for more information.
DOUGLAS COUNTY______________________________
[Update 9/25/20 6:00am]
Beginning on Friday, September 25, 2020, at 11:00 am the following changes take effect:
- The LEVEL 1 "BE READY" notice for Nonpareil Road at Banks Creek to the end of Nonpareil Road, including all side streets between these two points, has been lifted. This area is no longer under a formal evacuation notice.
- The LEVEL 2 "BE SET" on Little River Road at New Bridge Road to the end of Little River Road, including all side streets between these two points, has been reduced to a LEVEL 1 "BE READY" notice.
The following evacuation notices remain unchanged:
- Little River Road at Buckhorn Road to New Bridge Road, including all side streets between these two points, remains a LEVEL 1 "BE READY".
- Highway 138E at the Narrows Wayside (Idleyld Trading Post) to Steamboat Creek, including all side streets between these two points remains a LEVEL 2 "BE SET".
- The Dry Creek area, including Happy Creek Lane, Elk Ridge Lane, Felix Flat and Illahee Road, remains a LEVEL 1 "BE READY".
- (Thielsen Fire) Diamond Lake, including the Diamond Lake Resort, all recreation areas, all residential and summer homes remains a LEVEL 2 "BE SET".
[Update 9/18/20 5:00 pm] All Level 3 "GO!" Evacuation orders have been downgraded for the Archie Creek Fire, effective 5:00 PM on Friday, September 18, 2020.
The following is a summary of the current evacuation notices which remain in place. Current evacuation maps can be found at www.dcso.com/evacuations.
- LEVEL 1 "BE READY": Little River Road at Highway 138E to Buckhorn Road; Glide at Little River Road east to Narrows Wayside (Idleyld Trading Post) inclusive of all side roads between these two points.
- LEVEL 2 "BE SET": Little River Road at Buckhorn Road to the end of Little River (includes all roads off of Little River between these two points); Nonpareil Road at Banks Creek to the end of Nonpareil Road (includes all side roads); Narrows Wayside (Idleyld Trading Post) east on Highway 138E to Dry Creek (includes all side roads between these points).
- LEVEL 3 "GO!": No Level 3 Orders exist for the Archie Creek fire at this time.
Please note: Highway 138E remains closed at Idleyld Trading Post and will remain closed throughout the weekend. Residents who can show proof of residency beyond the closure will be permitted through area, but should expect delays. Additional information can be found at www.tripcheck.com.
[Update 9/16/20 8:20 pm] The Sheriff's Office re-issued a Level 3 "GO!" evacuation notice for the residents on Little River Road between New Bridge Road and the end of Little River Road; including all side roads between these two points.
The road is closed at Little River Road and New Bridge Road and open to fire and emergency traffic only. Residents will not be permitted back into the Level 3 area until the risk subsides.
Current evacuation maps can be found at dcso.com/evacuations.
[Update 9/14/20 6:31 pm] The Douglas County Sheriff’s office and fire officials announced a reduction in the Level 3 evacuation orders for a portion of Little River Road.
As of 9pm Sunday, residents living on Little River Road from highway 138 East to Buckhorn Road are now under a Level 2 evacuation notice.
Current evacuation maps can be found at dcso.com/evacuations.
[Update 9/13/20 1:05 p.m.] In conjunction with fire officials, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office is announcing a reduction in the Level 3 evacuation orders for parts of Idleyld Park.
Beginning at noon on, Sunday, September 13, 2020, residents living east of the Green Bridge in Glide, up river to the Narrows Wayside (Idleyld Trading Post), are now under a Level 2 "Be Set" evacuation notice. Additionally, residents living on Lone Rock Road and Terrace Drive have also been downgraded to a Level 2 "Be Set" notice.
[Update 9/11/20 2:51 p.m.] The Douglas County Sheriff's Department issued the following correction on evactions for Sutherlin Residents. Gassy Creek remains at a Level 3 Evacuation.
The area from Banks Creek to Gassy Creek has been reduced to a Level 2 Evacuation. Gassy Creek on to the end of Nonpareil Road remains under a Level 3 Evacuation.
[Update 9/11/20 12:51 p.m.] The community of Glide is being moved from Level 3 to Level 2, with the exception of Little River Rd, Bar L Road, Terrace and Upper Terrace Road and Lone Rock Road. Those roads remain at Level 3. The road closure in Glide has been moved to the Green Bridge. The Idleyld Park community remains in Level 3 Evacuation.
Previous evacuation information.
Level 3 - GO NOW- evacuation orders were issued for all homes and businesses in Dry Creek, including Happy Creek, Felix Flat, and Illahee road. Residents in Dry Creek, all of Little River Road, and Steamboat Creek to Little River Road in Glide are under those go now orders. The Diamond Lake area including all recreation sites, Diamond Lake Lodge, and private summer homes are under Level 3.
Level 2 - BE SET- notices are in effect for all residents living on the south side of Nonpareil Road from Plat K Road east to Banks Creek. This includes Fraser Canyon and all other side streets to the east to Banks Creek. Level 2 is also in effect for North Bank Road, Rivershore Drive, Single Tree Lane, and Nonpareil Road 4400-7500 block (Including Fair Oaks Road, Fraser Canyon, Bonanza Mine, Plat K).
LEVEL 1 – BE READY- applies to all of Douglas County besides those in the Level 2 and Level 3 areas noted above.
The Archie Creek/Star Mountain Wildfire is currently burning up the North Umpqua Highway. The Thielsen fire is burning near Diamond Lake.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has created a page on its website to which contains maps of the current evacuation zones. The maps attempt to provide a visual of the most current evacuation zones by showing roads and specific addresses in some cases. The maps can be found at www.dcso.com/evacuations and are updated as quickly as possible.
The Douglas County Fairgrounds is serving as an evacuation center.
LANE COUNTY______________________________________________
[Update 9/25/20 3:30 p.m.]
All evacuation notices in Lane County issued in connection to the Holiday Farm Fire have been canceled.
Although there are no current evacuation notices, OR Hwy 126E may be closed by ODOT for hazard and debris removal. Please check Tripcheck.com for the road closure information.
Residents accessing reopened areas are asked to avoid barricaded locations for their own safety. Fire-damaged structures can be extremely hazardous and residents are encouraged to have professionals assess and assist with managing damaged areas once those areas open for return. Serious hazards can include unstable and falling debris, toxic substance exposure including asbestos and eye/lung/skin impacts from ash and other irritants.
Information on resource can be found at www.lanecounty.org/mckenziefire_resources
[Update 9/20/20 9:45 am]
The Level 3 (Go Now) Evacuation Notice for Highway 126 from Camp Creek Road to McKenzie Ranger Station, including connecting roads, is now a Level 2 (Be Set).
The Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notification for Highway 126 east of the McKenzie River Ranger Station to the junction of Highway 126 and Highway 20 (Santiam Junction) has been downgraded to Level 1 (Be Ready).
Although evacuation levels are lowered, OR Hwy 126 remains closed by ODOT between Leaburg Dam Road at milepost 23.9 and the west entrance of McKenzie River Drive at milepost 46.3 for safety, response, and repair work.
[Update 9/19/20 12:00 pm] The Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation Notice for the Lowell and Jasper areas has been canceled. The Fall Creek and Winberry areas remain at Level 1 (Be Ready).
The Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation Notice for residents in the Mohawk Valley west of Marcola Road and those in the Sunderman Road area has been canceled.
The Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice for Camp Creek Road east of Oak Point Road, Upper Camp Creek Road and Wendling is downgraded to Level 1 (Be Ready).
[Update 9/18/20 2:40 pm] The Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation Notice for the Thurston area has been canceled.
The Level 3 (Go Now) Evacuation Notice has been downgraded to a Level 2 (Be Set) for the remaining residents along Deerhorn Road. Deerhorn Road remains closed to all traffic except residents.
The Level 3 (Go Now) Evacuation Notice has been downgraded to a Level 2 (Be Set) for residents along the Highway 126 corridor to milepost 23.75 (just west of the Leaburg Dam) with the exception of Mountain View Lane beyond the intersection with Lure Lane.
Residents accessing reopened areas are asked to avoid barricaded locations for their own safety. Fire-damaged structures can be extremely hazardous and residents are encouraged to have professionals assess and deal with damaged areas once those areas open for return. Serious hazards can include unstable and falling debris, toxic substance exposure including asbestos and eye/lung/skin impact from ash and other irritants. See more at https://lanecounty.org/mckenziefire_resources
[Update 9/17/20 12:30 pm]
The Level 3 evacuation level for certain residents in the McKenzie Bridge area has been downgraded to a Level 2 (Be Set). The area includes:
- East King Road, Drury Drive and Delta Drive. Belknap Bridge remains closed. Traffic for East King Road and Delta Drive must use Horse Creek Road.
[Update 9/16/20 1:30 pm] The evacuation level for residents along Highway 126 from Camp Creek Road to the east side of Holden Creek Road, including Deerhorn, has been reduced to Level 2 – Be Set.
The evacuation level remains at LEVEL 3 GO NOW for residents between milepost 19 and milepost 47 of Highway 126.
The evacuation level for the east side of the Mohawk Valley has been reduced to Level 2 – Be Set – for all residents east of the Mohawk River, making the Mohawk Valley Level 2 throughout except where residents were already at Level 1 – Be Ready.
Residents who choose to return to the newly downgraded areas will be required to demonstrate their residential address and be aware that:
- Roads are open 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to confirmed residents travelling to and from their residences only.
- Roads are closed 7:00 PM to 9:00 AM to all non-fire related traffic.
- Roads may close to all traffic at any time if unsafe conditions are identified.
Only residents of these areas will be allowed to reenter and will be restricted to returning to their homes and properties only. There is still significant firefighting activity in the area and it is critical to avoid interfering with those efforts with unnecessary residential traffic.
[Update 9/16/20 7:26 am] The Level 1 Be Ready evacuation level for certain residents in the Thurston area has been canceled. This area includes Residents north of Main Street and west of 75th Street, which is generally inside Springfield city limits.
The evacuation level remains at Level 1 for south of Main Street and east of Bob Straub Parkway in the Thurston area.
Residents should be aware that changes in fire behavior may require new evacuation notifications if fire behavior increases. If so, these areas may return to a Level 1, 2 or 3 evacuation at a moment’s notice.
Please continue to monitor cell phones, landlines, local media and the lane county website for fire evacuation updates.
[Update 9/14/20 4:01 pm] The evacuation level for certain residents in the McKenzie Bridge area has been downgraded from a Level 3 (GO NOW) to a Level 2 (Be Set). The downgraded area includes:
- McKenzie River Drive east of the Community Center
- Highway 126 east of Harbick’s Inn at milepost 47
The evacuation level remains at LEVEL 3 GO NOW for East and West King Road, Caddis Lane, Mill Creek north of Highway 126, Highway 126 west of Harbick’s Inn, and McKenzie River Drive west of the Community Center.
[Update 9/13/20 4:50 pm] The evacuation level for residents on Camp Creek, Upper Camp Creek, McKenzie Highway between Cedar Flats and Camp Creek have been downgraded from a Level 3 (GO NOW) to a Level 2 (Be Set).
The evacuation level for residents for all of Deerhorn remains at Level 3 (GO NOW).
[Updated 9/12/2020 6 p.m.]: The evacuation level for many residents in the Mohawk Valley has been downgraded from a Level 3 (GO NOW) to a Level 2 (Be Set). The downgraded area includes the Mohawk Valley to the Linn County line with two exceptions:
- The area west of Marcola Road south of the intersection with Hill Road is being downgraded from a Level 2 (Be Set) to a Level 1 (Be Ready).
- The area east of the Mohawk River from Wendling Road to the county line remains at Level 3 (GO NOW), including Wending Road, Paschelke Road, Hileman Road, Bunker Hill Road and Mohawk River Road and their connecting roads.
The evacuation level for residents along Highway 126 from Thurston Road to the intersection of Cedar Flat Road, including Cedar Flat Road and Camp Creek Road west of Upper Camp Creek Road, is also being downgraded from a Level 3 (GO NOW) to a Level 2 (Be Set).
Previous evacuation information.
Level 3 - GO NOW- are still in place along the McKenzie River corridor.
Level 2 - BE SET- evacuation notices are still in effect for residents on either side of Marcola Road before Wendling Road, including Camp Creek Road. Level 2 also remains in effect from the McKenzie River Ranger Station to the junction of Highway 126 and Highway 20.
Level 1- BE READY- evacuation notices are still in effect for the Fall Creek, Winberry, and Lowell areas north from Hills Creek to Signal Point Boat Ramp as well as for all residents from Highway 126 to Bob Straub to Jasper Road east to Thurston Road where it intersects with Highway 126 north to the McKenzie River.
The evacuation point that had been established at Thurston High School was moved to Silke Field at Springfield High School on Wednesday afternoon as the area including that initial evacuation point was put under a level 1 evacuation notice.
Information about the current evacuation levels, including a searchable database of affected addresses, can be found at www.lanecounty.org/mckenziefire.
LINCOLN COUNTY______________________________________________
[Update 9/18/20 3:30 pm] Notice from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office regarding access to the level 3 area:
Residents are allowed re-entry to the affected area with ID showing their address on:
- Saturday – September 19th between the hours of 9am – 3pm
- Sunday – September 20th between the hours of 9am – 3pm
All residents entering the affected area will be asked to leave by 3pm. Contractors hired by the property owners are not allowed to access this area during this time due to continued safety concerns while ODF and utility crews continue the cleanup work.
If you do not have a valid ID with an address for this area, contact the Call Center, to make arrangements with the Sheriff’s Office for access.
County and community services will be combined in a multi-agency resource center that residents may visit in person next week. Notifications will be made through Lincoln Alerts, local media, online at the County’s website and the Call Center when the date, time and location is established.
Any additional questions can be forwarded to the Lincoln County Emergency Public Information Call Center at 541-265-0621, www.co.lincoln.or.us/echomountainfire .
Fire Damage and Recovery information is available on our Echo Mtn Fire Complex website.
[Updated 9/18/20 1:30 pm]
Evacuation Levels:
- The remaining Level 2 area has been removed; residents can return home. The Westside of N. North Bank Road still has a checkpoint where residents are required to show ID to limit traffic to the area.
- Level 3 remains for:
- All of N. Panther Creek Road, N. Deer Valley Road and N. Yodel Road, and all side roads.
- North Corkhill Road, North Durette Road and addresses on N. North Bank Road between N. Deer Valley and N. Panther Creek
[Updated 9/17/20 2:20 pm] The following areas have been removed from the evacuation levels:
- NE 50th Street
- NE Highland Road
If you need transportation back to your home, you can call the County Call Center at 541-265-0621 (after 8am) for coordination.
[Updated 9/17/20 7:00 am] The following areas have been reduced to a level 2 evacuation notice:
- N. North Bank Road from Highway 18 to North Panther Creek.
- The West portion of N. North Bank Road from North Old Scenic Highway 101 to 0.5 mile marker.
This downgrade will have controlled access for residents only. A valid ID with an address for this area will be required for entry into these downgraded areas. If you do not have a valid ID with an address you will need to contact the County Call Center to coordinate arrangements with Patrol Deputies.
Evacuees needing transportation abck to their homes can call the County Call Center at 541-265-0621 for coordination.
ODOT has reopened Hwy 18 from milepost 0 to milepost 5; drivers should expect some delays during this time.
An updated evacuation map can be found on the Lincoln County Evacuation wesbite.
[Updated 9/16/20 9:09 am] Evacuation notices for all current level 2 areas have been removed. The current level 3 evacuation area remains with the exception of the Highway 101/18 interchange and the residential addresses between mile post 0 and 5, which have been downgraded to a level 2.
Community Members in the newly downgrade level 2 area can return to their homes and business at this time.
ODOT has reopened Hwy 18 with pilot car’s escorting traffic from mile post 0 to mile post 5. Traffic delays are expected. If you need transportation back to your home, you can call the County Call Center at 541-265-0621.
It is always advisable to do a safety check of your home and property when you return. You may experience some intermittent power disruption over the next few days.
[Updated 9/14/20 7:25 a.m.] Areas of the Echo Mountain Fire Complex have been reduced from a Level 3 to a Level 2 evacuation notice effective Monday at 7:00 am. This includes East of Rose Lodge on Highway 18, and South of Highway 18 from Rose Lodge to East Devils Lake Road.
The Highway 18 road closure remains. However, the roadblock will be moved West to Rose Lodge at North, North Bank Road and Highway 18.
The area in and around the fire remains at a Level 3 evacuation notice.
Community Members in the newly downgraded Level 2 area can return to their homes and businesses at this time. If you live on Bear Creek Road or a road off of Bear Creek Road, you will be let through the ODOT East Highway 18 roadblock to access Bear Creek Road. If you need transportation back to your home, you can call the County Call Center at 541-265-0621 (after 8am) for coordination.
Community Members returning to this area may not have power restored yet, and may expect intermittent power outages until fully restored.
[Updated 9/12/20 7:38 a.m.] The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office has issued the following downgrades in evacuation for the Echo Mountain Fire Complex in Lincoln City:
The Northeast, East Devils Lake Road south to mile post 3.6 (near the bridge replacement cut off) and the Neotsu neighborhood, and all other West and East side streets off of NE East Devils Lake Road are downgraded from level 3 to level 2.
And evacuation notices have been lifted for all of South Schooner Creek Road. That means they went from a level 2 and one to level zero.
Community Members in the newly downgraded areas can return to their homes and business at this time.
Those who need transportation back to their residence can call the County Call Center at 541-265-0621. It is always advisable to do a safety check of your home and property when you return. You may experience some intermittent power disruption over the next few days.
Continue to monitor local media sources, county website and your telephone devices to receive further information and updates.
Any additional questions can be forwarded to the Lincoln County Emergency Public Information Call Center at 541-265-0621, www.co.lincoln.or.us/echomountainfire.
[Updated 9/11/20 4:28 p.m.] Lincoln County Sheriff's Office has issued the following downgrades in evacuation orders some areas in Lincoln City:
Northwest Logan road in the Roads End Area east to the highway 18 interchange and from the beach at northwest 39th street to the western edge of highway 101 are downgraded from level 3 to level 2.
And evacuation notices have been lifted for Northwest 39th street to the west side of devils lake south through the city limits. That means they went from a level 2 and one to level zero.
Community Members in the newly downgraded areas can return to their homes and businesses at this time. //
[Updated 9/11/20 6:55am]: As of Thursday afternoon, fire activity in the Echo Mountain Fire Complex is low. It is possible that some evacuated community members may be allowed to return to their residences as early as today or Saturday. Power and hospital services must be safely restored first. Notices will be communicated through Lincoln Alerts, the County's website and Facebook pages.
A primary evacuation point is at Newport Recreation Center in Newport: 225 SE Avery St, Newport, OR 97365. The Oregon Coast Community College Evacuation point has been moved to the Newport Rec Center. Transfers to other evacuation shelters will be managed from this location by the American Red Cross.
Previous evacuation information.
- All of East Devil's Lake Road
- NW 40th north to Hwy 18, from Ocean to East Devil's Lake Road
- Hwy 101 from NE East Devils Lake Road to N Three Rocks Road
- Hwy 18 from milepost 0 to Rose Lodge
- NE Highland Road and all roads off of this
- N. Slick Rock Creek Road
- N. Boulder Creek
- N. Sundown Drive
- N. Bear Creek Road
- S. Schooner Creek Road
- N. Meadow Place
- N. Mable Drive
- FR 25 Road
- N. Widowcreek Road
- NF 1861
- NW 40th south to 12th St., from ocean to East Devil's Lake Road.
- NE East Devils Lake Rd and all side roads.
- 12th St. south to Hwy 229 (Kernville Hwy).
- N. Schwartz Road
- N. Salmon Berry Lane and all side streets
The main campus of Oregon Coast Community College is South Beach has been established as a temporary receiving site for evacuees. Additional sites are being set up in Toledo at the high school (for campers and RVs) and Memorial Field (for tent campers). Arrangements are being made for additional sites in other parts of the county.
The Lincoln County Commons is being set up to receive horses and livestock, and 4H youth will assist owners in caring for their animals.
The Newport Rec Center has also been established as an evacuation center.
LINN COUNTY______________________________________________
[Update 9/25/20 6:00am]
Effective September 25th, 2020, at 9:00AM, the area of Idanha in Linn County is reduced to a Level 2 – “Be Set” evacuation level, as well as the Linn County area from the end of Gates Bridge East, north to the Linn County line, south to Thomas Creek and east Cooper’s Ridge Road on Highway 22 (MP56.9). Crews have been working tirelessly to restore access to evacuated areas. While residents will be able to return to these communities, many hazards remain and core services have not been restored to residences.
LEVEL 3 EVACUATIONS – GO NOW (last updated 09/25/2020 @ 1100 hours)
- Stahlman Summer Home cabins remain in a Level 3 evacuation alert, due to being within the Willamette National Forest, which remains closed
LEVEL 2 WARNING or NOTICE: High probability of a need to evacuate (last updated 09/25/2020 @ 1100 hours)
- The area of Idanha in Linn County will be reduced to a Level 2 – “Be Set” evacuation level, as well as the Linn County area from the end of Gates Bridge East, north to the Linn County line, south to Thomas Creek and east Cooper’s Ridge Road on Highway 22 (MP56.9)
- The area including Marion Forks, south to the Highway 22/Highway 20 Junction, east and west to the county lines, is downgraded to a Level 2 (Get Set) evacuation area. Access to Marion Forks via Highway 22 is only possible from the Highway 22/Highway 20 Junction.
- The areas east of the end of Gates Bridge East to Milepost 65 on Highway 22 (outside of Marion Forks) within Linn County are Level 2 “Be Set” evacuation level
LEVEL 1 ALERT: A wildfire threat is in your area. Consider making necessary preparations. Plan and prepare in the event evacuation becomes necessary. Evacuation is not necessary at this time. Additional notice will be sent if evacuation is necessary. (last updated 09/25/2020 @ 0930 hours)
- The Cities of Lyons, Mill City and Gates are DOWNGRADED to Level 1 Alert (Get Ready), including 16th St behind Freres, and Clipfell Ln, and all areas between the railroad tracks that intersect with HWY226 and north to the Linn/Marion County line, east to Cedar Mill Road, south to Thomas Creek Drive. This also includes the areas of Linn County from Cedar Mill Road on Lyons-Mill City Drive, to the end of Gates Bridge East, and all side roads.
[Update 9/16/20 11:57 am]
- The Evacuation Level 3 (GO NOW) zone encompassing McCully Mountain, Mill City, Gates and Idanha is UPDATED.
The following area REMAINS in a Level 3 (GO NOW) Evacuation: The area east at Cedar Mill Road on Lyons-Mill City Drive, north to the Linn County line and south to Thomas Creek, then east to the Linn County line. This Level 3 (GO NOW) alert REMAINS for Mill City, Gates, Idanha, Marion Forks to the east Linn County line.
- DOWNGRADED – The City of Lyons, including 16th St behind Freres, and Clipfell Ln, and all areas between the railroad tracks that intersect with HWY226 and north to the Linn/Marion County line, east to Cedar Mill Road, south to Thomas Creek Drive – is all now a Level 2 (Get Set) evacuation area
- DOWNGRADED – The area of Level 2 is downgraded for a Level 1 for Residents in the area of Upper Calapooia Road, Crescent Hill Rd, Brush Creek Rd from Hwy 228 to the county line and and all side spur roads off these roads near Holley/Crawfordsville area
- DOWNGRADED – The area south of Highway 226 at Lyons, including the McCully Mountain road system, Rashmar Road, and Substation Dr, is downgraded to a Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation alert.
MARION COUNTY_____________________________________
[Updated 10/1/20 6:00am]
As of 4 p.m. on September 30th, 2020, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office is reducing evacuation levels in several areas within Marion County. The decision to reduce evacuation levels was made following close consultation with fire management officials.
Evacuation Levels as of 4 p.m.:
Level 3 – “Go”
- Breitenbush
Level 2 – “Be Set”
- OR 22E corridor east of Detroit Dam to mile post 56.2
- Detroit
- Idanha
- Opal Creek Wilderness / Jawbone Flats
Level 1 – “Ready”
- Elkhorn
- Gates east of Gates Hill Road
- OR 22E corridor Gates Hill Road east to Detroit Dam
A detailed map of evacuation areas within Marion County can be found at http://bit.ly/MCEvacZones.
[Update 9/21/20 7:30 am]
On September 21st, 2020, at 8:00 a.m., the five mile section of Highway 22 from North Fork Rd to Mill City will be reduced from a level 3 area to a level 2.
As level 3 areas are reduced to level 2, we want to remind community members they are permitted to return to the area, though they should remain prepared to evacuate should conditions change.
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to work closely with fire management officials, ODOT, and Marion County Public Works to re-evaluate evacuation levels. Prior to reopening access to county roadways, assessments of culverts, bridges, and retaining walls along roadway systems are being conducted.
The areas immediately to the north of the city limits of Mill City and Gates remain at a Level 3 – “Go” evacuation status. Road closures will be in effect on Carr Road, Hudel Road and Gates Hill Road north of the city limits.
Current evacuation areas at 8:00 a.m. today, September 21st, 2020:
Level 3 – “Go”
North Fork Road
Pioneer Road, and other roadways in this corridor.
Level 2 – “Be Set”
Mill City
Fernridge Rd west of Shellburg Creek Rd to Basil Hill
Crooked Finger Rd & Moss Lane
Highway 22 @ North Fork Rd east to Mile Post 29
Wagner Rd
Wagner Ln
Teeters Rd
Gopher Ln
Jennie Rd south of Hwy 22
Level 1 – “Ready”
Scotts Mills
Areas east of Meridian Road, Davis Creek, and Victor Point south to the Marion County line
[Update 9/18/20 10:00 am]
Evacuation levels for the Cities of Mill City and Gates are being reduced to Level 2 – “Be Set” at 10:00 a.m. Today, September 18th, 2020. In a level 2 evacuation area, community members are permitted to return to the area, though they should remain prepared to evacuate should conditions change.
As access to these cities is reopening, Highway 22 will remain closed between Highway 226 and Mile Post 29, near the west end of Mill City. The four mile section of Highway 22 between the cities of Mill City and Gates will be open for travel. Community members returning to Gates and Mill City will need to use the following travel route to access their residences and businesses:
- Highway 22 east to Hwy 226
- Hwy 226 turns into Lyons/Mill City Dr
- Lyons/Mill City Dr to SW Kingwood Ave
- Kingwood Ave to Gates School Rd
- Gates School Rd to E Sorbin Ave
- E Sorbin Ave to Highway 22
The areas immediately to the north of the city limits of Mill City and Gates remain at a Level 3 – “Go” evacuation status. Road closures will be in effect on Carr Road, Hudel Road and Gates Hill Road north of the city limits.
[Update 9/16/20 3:00 pm] The Marion County Sheriff’s Office reports that Scotts Mills evacuation was downgraded from a Level 2 to a Level 1. There were no changes in the other evacuation levels.
1. Current evacuation information for Marion County:
- Detroit
- Idanha
- Breitenbush
- Mill City
- Gates
- Highway 22 east of Highway 226
- North Fork Rd north of Highway 22
- Lyons
- Mehama west of Highway 226
- Fernridge Road west of Shellburg Creek Road to Basil Hill
- Crooked Finger Rd and Moss Lane
- Scotts Mills
- Areas east of Meridian Rd, Davis Creek and Victor Point south to the Marion County line
To see detailed current Marion County Evacuation Zones please visit: http://bit.ly/MCEvacZones
If you happen to live in fire impacted areas of Linn County, updated evacuation maps can be found at: www.LinnSheriff.org
[Update 9/15/20 1:16 pm] Evacuation levels are being updated for portions of the Mehama and Lyons communities, being downgraded to a Level 2 “Be Set” evacuation status. Existing closures on Highway 22 will remain in effect due to continuing extreme hazards from falling trees.
Current evacuation information for Marion County:
- Detroit
- Idanha
- Breitenbush
- Mill City
- Gates
- North Fork Rd north of Highway 22
- Highway 22 east of Highway 226
- Lyons
- Mehama west of Highway 226
- Fernridge Road west of Shellburg Creek Road to Basil Hill
- Scotts Mills
- Crooked Finger Rd and Moss Lane
- Areas east of Meridian Rd, Davis Creek and Victor Point south to the Marion County line
To see detailed current Marion County Evacuation Zones please visit: http://bit.ly/MCEvacZones
If you happen to live in fire impacted areas of Linn County, updated evacuation maps can be found at: www.LinnSheriff.org.
Note from Sheriff's Office: "After the wildfire evacuation restrictions have been lifted, and residents are given permission to return home, many additional hazards can remain. Firefighters, local governments, utility companies, and road departments begin restoring fire damaged areas as soon as they can, but making the area safe for the public can take multiple days. Stay out of the evacuation area until fire officials tell you it is safe to return. It is extremely important to be aware of the hazards and know what to look for when the evacuation order is lifted."
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