The Knoll Fire in the McKenzie River Corridor has grown, but a forestr official says that’s the plan.
Darren Cross, McKenzie River District Ranger, gave a briefing Wedesday afternoon. He presented a map showing the Knoll Fire’s status.

“The dots mean the fire is cooling down, and the striped fire means the fire is hot," explained Cross. "But that’s hot there because we’ve done strategic firing operations.
"So the team is feeling very good about where we are on this, we have the resources we need for this fire. And we are currently mopping and holding this fire, we did have some spot fires over here in the Ollalie Campground, we have been able to address those and put those out.”
The Knoll Fire is currently at 400 acres. Cross added that engines are roaming Highway 126, to check for other spot fires. A closure on recreational boating remains in place.
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