People who anticipate needing help paying their utility bills this winter can sign up now for the Low Income Energy Assistance or LIHEAP program. The program is available to people who are at or below 60 percent of Oregon’s median income. That’s around $18-hundred a month for a single person.
Jason Davis is spokesman for Lane County Health and Human Services. He says the waiting list fills up fast.
Davis: “The one thing that we are telling people is if they do call and they are told that the waiting list is closed. Try back. A lot of times people are ineligible or they drop off or new spots become available so don’t give up if you hit a roadblock the first time.”
Davis says Lane County expects to receive about what it got last year— $2.3 million, which can help about 8 thousand people pay their utility bills. LIHEAP is funded by utilities, federal and state government. It’s available in every Oregon county.
More information, click here or call 541-682-FUEL.