Lincoln County voters are being asked to approve a $33.1 million bond levy to build a Trades Education Center at Oregon Coast Community College in Newport.
Dave Price is the Vice President for Engagement at OCCC. He said people are always telling him the region needs more skilled trades workers.
“We don't have enough electricians. We don't have enough contractors. We don't have enough roofers or insulation installers, not to mention marine welders, and other skilled trades,” Price said. “And so we've been looking since 2017 really at how we can address that need. It's actually, that was the year that we drafted the plans for the building we're bringing to the voters this year.”
Price said this is the school’s first bond levy since voters approved a bond 20 years ago that paid for their existing facilities. That bond expires next year. Price said people would not experience any change in their property tax rate if the bond passes. So, in essence, it’s a continuation. The state legislature also pledged $8 million in matching dollars if the bond is approved.
Price said the cost of the bond levy for a typical property owner is 21 cents per $1,000 of property value.
“While it is true that those property taxes wouldn't change, the alternative if the voters vote down or say no to this measure would be that the matching funds aren't secured,” said Price. “The project doesn't move forward, but that 21 cents per $1,000 would also fall away from their property tax statements.”
Oregon Coast Community College was founded in 1987.