As the pandemic stretches into yet another week, health officials are reminding people that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As KLCC’s Brian Bull reports, advice on keeping encouraged during the pandemic opened today’s daily briefing by Lane County Public Health.
Across the globe, people are coping with isolation, the disruption of routine, lack of contact with friends and family, grief, and of course, the uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Roger Brubaker is Lane County’s Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Coordinator. He listed signs of mental health distress at the briefing.
“Increasing substance use. A sense of hopelessness or a feeling like there’s no way out. A sense of extreme anxiety, agitation, or extreme mood swings. Withdrawing from loved ones. Or expressing a desire to die by suicide.”
Brubaker encouraged people to check on themselves and others, and not be afraid to reach out for help. He says while one may feel unqualified or unprepared for such interactions, just making the effort can give great relief to those suffering from distress.
Lane County has a website which lists resources residents can use for crisis counseling, support services, and bereavement support. You can access it here.
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