Oregon National Guardsmen and women are in Eugene to assist Lane County Public Health with mass COVID-19 vaccination clinics. 7,400 doses of vaccine are going to people in Phase 1A at this drive-up event.
“Hi, I’m Specialist Johnathan Bagnall. With the 2162 Infantry out of Springfield, Oregon. So What we’re doing at this table, we’re filling the vaccines, we have to pre-draw them ourselves. And then we go through the proper CDC screenings. Make sure all the contraindications are met. And then from there we’re gonna go ahead and administer here,” said Bagnall.
“If you are touching a patient or if you’re touching the vaccine, you have to be a nationally certified EMT at the very least.”
“My name is Meghan Jedrzejewski.”
Reporter: “And, you are giving shots today.”
(Hear her speak to Mary when she pulls up for her shot.)
“Ok try to keep that arm nice and loose. Try to relax.”
“Alright, ma’am. It’s 1:27pm. You’re gonna go right over here, park and hang out for 15 minutes. If you have any questions, honk that horn and we’ll come running.”
Mary says, “Ok.”
“That’s your ticket out and your ticket back in four weeks for your second dose,” says Jedrzejewski.
“Thank you very much,” Mary says.
“Yea, you have a good day.” (Hear the car start.)
Specialist Bagnall says, “All the vaccinators, we have the goal of 250 an hour. And at the end of the day we tally and see how me met that mission goal.”
Reporter: “How does it feel to be doing this particular mission.”
“It’s an interesting feeling. Because I definitely feel like this is kind of what we signed up to do in the Guard. We’re there to help out the community, save lives, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here.”