This week is National Public Works Week, and events throughout Lane County are meant to highlight the value of public works projects.
Lane County Public Works is hosting mid-day tours of county facilities every day this week. Spokesperson Devon Ashbridge told KLCC it's the first time the county is holding the tours. “We’re inviting people to come out and tour the Short Mountain Landfill," she said. "Chances are, if you throw something away in Lane County, ultimately it ends up there with us. And then we have tours of five different parks available as well this week.”
Ashbridge said Wednesday’s and Thursday’s landfill tours will use a large passenger van for safety, and will be limited to 10 people each.
Also on Wednesday, there’s a visit to Armitage Park on Coburg Road, including a review of ongoing park improvements.
Thursday features a visit to Harbor Vista and North Jetty in Florence.
On Friday, there’s a tour of the McKenzie River Discovery Center in Walterville. Ashbridge said Lane County owns the land, and the Center focuses on the importance of the river, and has plans to showcase recovery from the Holiday Farm Fire, which partially burned the property.
Signups are required and can be found online at Lane County's website.