St Vincent de Paul of Lane County has received federal funds to help end veteran homelessness within three years. Spurred by this, the Mayors of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County Commissioners have been raising money this holiday season to help with the project. Their effort is called Veterans Home for The Holidays-- the idea is that each day a homeless veteran will be permanently housed.
St. Vinnie's Executive Director Terry McDonald says fundraising for has been slow.
"Well, the amount of money raised for the appeal is actually very low and I think it's less than $10-thousand. The number of people housed is actually right on target. So, we are indeed meeting that kind of a goal of about one a day.
Last week, was the anniversary of the death of Major Thomas Egan. He froze to death on the street in Eugene in 2008. His passing inspired the Egan Warming Centers, which provide a warm place for homeless people to sleep on freezing nights.