Wildfires are hard to predict. But officials are preparing for what might be a busy fire season in Oregon. This Saturday, some local homeowners are doing their part to make their homes more resistant when fires do happen. KLCC’s Deonna Anderson has more.
In Molitor Ranch – just outside Cottage Grove – residents are banding together to create defensible space around their homes. That looks like clearing brush, leaves and other debris from gutters, and removing vegetation from roadsides and driveways.
As Marcus Kauffman from the Oregon Department of Forestry notes, these measures help firefighters put out blazes more quickly.
“Oregonians love being out in the woods,” he says. “Oregonians also pride themselves on being good stewards of the natural environment and so part of that stewardship is being fire safe and understanding what the rules are, when the rules change and what they can do to prevent a fire from starting in the first place.”
Kauffman says residents should be thinking about and preparing for wildfires now, before the season starts.