The two year old named Watson recently arrived from Fort Worth, Texas.
Gray Whales are making their annual southward migration this winter.
A 20-year conservation effort to protect large swaths of the lower Siuslaw River just got a big boost. A cattle farmer recently transferred 245 acres of land to continue restoration of the tidal estuary. The act will mean a lot for salmon.
A bear was spotted near the West Bank Bike path near River Road in Eugene Monday morning.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport is reopening one of its most popular features Saturday .
Permits aimed at crowd control affect Deschutes and Willamette National Forests.
A Corvallis researcher contributed to recent discoveries about an elusive mammal found in southern Oregon and northern California.
On this edition of Oregon On The Record, a conversation with the Bird Curator at Eugene’s Cascade Raptor Center Kit Lacey about her very unusual job and how she goes about doing it. The falcons, hawks, owls and eagles at the center are not just birds of prey, but truly her friends, and clients and they all work together toward the goal of creating an environment of trust and collaboration.
This time of year, thousands of gray whales migrate south from Alaska to the warmer waters off Baja, Mexico to calve.
The beaver’s mysterious appearance set off a chain reaction of human interventions.
A bobcat who arrived at the High Desert Museum in Bend as a small kitten is now a full-grown cat and has been named Timber.
One of the lions at Wildlife Safari in Winston is recovering from dental surgery.