Updated 12:30am Wednesday, May 20
In the May 19 special election, Lane County voters soundly rejected a proposed $35 vehicle registration fee. It failed 66% -33%.
Lane County Commission Board Chair Jay Bozieviech issued the following statement regarding the failure of the vehicle registration fee:
"We appreciate the thoughtful evaluation that Lane County voters gave this important issue. Our goal from the start of this conversation has been to articulate the facts and give voters a choice. We know that we have more work to do to partner with our residents to achieve greater local control. We need a balanced approach that includes stabilizing our expenses and identifying appropriate local revenue to support critical local services."
Eugene School Board:
In the race for Eugene School Board, Eileen Nittler was elected to Position 4 with 67% of the vote.
Jim Torrey appears to have enough votes to keep his seat, beating out challenger Kevin Cronin 58%-31.99%. David Nickles received 9.45% of the votes.
Incumbent Mary Walston is leading her challenger Colin Farnsworth, 55.5%-43.7%. Alicia Hayes ran unopposed.
2-89 Benton County - Prohibits genetically engineered organisms
Votes Percentage
No 16,556 72.53%
Yes 6,270 27.47%
Benton County Election Results
Other local measures:
20-232 Marcola School District - Bonds for School Construction
Votes Percentage
Yes 406 55.46%
No 326 44.54%
21-163 Pacific Communities Health District - General obligation bond up to $57 million for new hospital in Newport
Votes Percentage
Yes 3,056 50.77%
No 2,963 49.23%
10-136 City of Reedsport - Tax on the sale of marijuana
Votes Percentage
Yes 516 75%
No 172 25%
20-230 City of Westfir - Adopt a new charter
Votes Percentage
Yes 42 76.36%
No 13 23.64%
21-159 City of Yachats - Charter amendment removing restrictions on city purchase and sale of real property.
Votes Percentage
Yes 160 56.54%
No 123 43.46%