The Lane County Parks Master Plan is undergoing an overhaul. The latest step in this process is to form a blue ribbon task force for long-range parks planning.
The current plan for Lane County parks was developed in 1980. County Administrator Steve Mokrohisky says efforts have been underway for years to update the plan. Recently, there have been 5 public meetings, and the county has received more than 200 written comments from the public. He says that involvement is essential.
Mokrohisky: "The point of a master plan is to capture all of those priorities and goals that a community has for our parks system and then document them and have that document sort of help us lead initiatives and investments that we make in the parks in the future."
Mokrohisky says the blue-ribbon task force will include local residents and parks related non-profits. He says this process was used in recent parks updates in Springfield and Eugene.