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Democratic incumbent John Lively holds a lead in the race for Springfield’s seat in the Oregon House of Representatives, as of 11 p.m. on election night.
In initial returns, Lively had 56% of the vote, while Republican business leader Cory Burket had 44%.
Lively declared victory on election night in a press release issued shortly after initial returns were announced.
“In the coming months and years, I look forward to being your voice in Salem,” Lively wrote. “I will continue to fight for a quality education for every Oregon child, work to ensure our small businesses have the support they need to grow and thrive within our community and protect Oregon’s environment for future generations.”
Speaking to KLCC on election night, Burket declined to immediately concede the election, saying he’d instead choose to let further counting play out. But he said if he loses, he is willing to challenge the seat again in the future.
“I'm still committed,” Burket told supporters at a Lane County Republican watch party in Eugene. “I'm still going to see this through, whether that's today or whether that's in two years.”
The current margin is similar to Lively's margin of victory in 2022, when Lively received 54% of the vote.
Lively describes himself as a moderate. In this term, he said pursue new road-use fees, more wildfire funding, and greater energy production to prevent blackouts.