Demolition is well underway at the College Hill Reservoir in South Eugene. The Eugene Water and Electric Board will build back two seismically sound, 7.5 million gallon tanks.
EWEB Project Engineer Laura Farthing told KLCC crews are ahead of schedule. At the site, with work in progress, she said it’s been great to see people young and old visit the project, noting, “We ask that people use the sidewalks and not walk down the middle of the road. It does cause some safety hazards both for drivers and dump trucks. And then you can see, both from the Lincoln and Lawrence side, you can see the whole site. We kept the fence open.”
Farthing said people who drive to see the construction should pull over, so traffic can flow. There are about 20 dump trucks cycling through the site.
Only some walls and the floor of the old reservoir remain. Farthing said the eight-inch thick concrete floor will be removed next, then crews will dig the base about 10 feet below its current level.
The project is a years-long effort, and is forecasted to be done in 2027.
You can find more details about the College Hill Reservoir project at EWEB's website, here. A timelapse video of the entire process to date is available by clicking on the "Video" button here.