Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022 marks the 80th anniversary FDR signing of Executive Order 9066 which led to the internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans during World War II. A small park in Eugene commemorates local residents affected by the order.

The memorial park is near the Hult Center, at 6th and Willamette, the site where, in 1942, Japanese-Americans had to register before being relocated to internment camps. Aimee Yogi is with the Eugene Japanese American Memorial Committee.
“We have this very painful incident that happened,” she said. “And we were a part of it in Eugene. And if you are connected to the University of Oregon at all, that is our history.”
In 1942, many Japanese-American UO students were moved to other schools outside of the west coast evacuation zone so they could continue their education.
The Eugene memorial was dedicated on February 19th, 2007.
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