Folks who frequent downtown Eugene are finding some road closures as work is underway to make some changes. One of the biggest transformations is on 8th Avenue between Lincoln and Mill streets. The one-way street will become a 2-way street with bike lanes.
Marion Suitor Barnes with Eugene Public Works told KLCC the goal is to make downtown safer for all modes of transportation.
“We are trying to really improve the walkability and welcoming nature of downtown,” she said. “Both in support of people who work down there, people who have businesses down there and anybody who might be sort of patronizing the businesses or visiting the downtown area.”
8th Avenue has been narrowed around the park blocks where the Farmers Market and Saturday Market take place. That’s to help encourage drivers to slow down.

“Because we know downtown has so much foot traffic, so many cyclists, anybody walking or rolling, speed is a big concern for us to that safety goal,” Barnes said. “We are hoping people slow down in that area.”
She said, narrowing streets is a traffic calming tool the city uses in other parts of town too.
Barnes said the city has finished its paving on the stretch of 8th Avenue between Mill and West Park streets and that segment is going to become 2-way soon. The portion between West Park and Lincoln is still in process.
One big project that’s almost complete around downtown is the new two-way bikeway on High Street. It’s open now between 13th and 18th avenues.
The North portion of that project is still in finishing touches.