The Bonneville Power Administration says it’s moving forward with plans to build a new 60-foot communications tower on the top of Marys Peak near Corvallis.
The structure would be twice as tall as the current BPA tower, which helps the agency communicate with its field staff. Some of the existing equipment dates to the early 1960’s and the BPA says it needs an upgrade.
The agency rejected a proposal to locate the tower at a different site about 500 feet down the slope of the mountain, saying the existing site would be the most efficient and most reliable. The structure would be built next to an existing 40-foot tower that’s operated by the US Forest Service. A separate 20-foot structure on the site holds communications equipment that serves the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon State Police.
Local conservation groups say the new BPA tower would be an eyesore and that construction of it could damage the unique ecosystem that’s found at the peak, which is the highest point in Oregon’s Coast Range.
The BPA’s decision isn’t final yet. Opponents have 45 days to file a formal objection.