An animal safety group has donated some special kits to the Eugene-Springfield Fire Department. As KLCC’s Brian Bull reports, they’re to ensure pets are cared for at disaster scenes.
Meet Casey. He’s a Dalmatian with Fire Station Number One in Eugene. He sniffs my microphone.
[Sniffing sounds]
Casey can drop and roll, test fire alarms, and even dial 9-1-1…on a special keypad. One thing he can’t do on his own, is put on a special oxygen mask for dogs and cats. That’s where EMS Chief Joanna Kamppi comes in…
"This piece of equipment is reusable," explains Kamppi. "It has different size masks for it, so depending on the size of the muzzle…”
The masks are part of what’s called a “Fido Bag”. They come with bandages, leashes, a water bowl, and a pillow case for cats…as they like to be held more securely.
Assistant Fire Marshall Amy Linder says the Fetch Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, donated three Fido Bags.
“Just an additional tool and resource for us to treat animals, which are for most families, a part of the family," says Linder. "So we’re just building our stock of tools and resources to take care of all family members.”
A Fido Bag has gone to each of the battalion chief’s rigs in the Eugene-Springfield Fire Department.
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