Many small businesses were destroyed or damaged in last month’s wildfires. KLCC spoke with one store owner in Blue River who’s hopeful her business – and community – rebound.
Melanie Stanley lost Meyer’s General Store and her own home to the Holiday Farm Fire that erupted Labor Day.
"A couple of supports, some bricks…and some trees, and not much else.”
Stanley says thankfully, she was insured. She’s waiting for insurance adjusters to make it out to Blue River, to take photos and assess the damage. As for other owners, the Small Business Administration has disaster loans they can apply for. Stanley adds…
“For the uninsured…gosh, it’s going to be a long road. But make sure that they’re making those contacts with FEMA and all the other resources that are available to them because it’s working, but it’s just taking a little bit longer.”
Stanley expects to rebuild her store, with the same character as the previous one. Hundreds of structures were razed in the fire, with just one casualty.
Copyright 2020, KLCC.