Some recreation areas remain closed more than five months after the many fires that sparked in Oregon on Labor Day. Hazards remain—even places where embers aren’t fully extinguished.
The Archie Creek fire burned more than 130 thousand acres—along the well-loved North Umpqua River. Cheyne Rossbach is with the Bureau of Land Management Roseburg District. He said the agency is still clearing hazard trees and debris to make recreation areas safer.
“People think, oh it’s rained so much out here, obviously, the fire’s out,” Rossbach said. “Not necessarily. You can have burning that burns under the roots and put a foot through in the hot spot still. That’s still a possibility.”
At Swiftwater Day use area east of Roseburg, the formerly green woods are now blackened by the fire. This is a popular spot and a way to access the North Umpqua trail—but it’s one of the places that’s closed until further notice.

According to the BLM, sites closed due to the Archie Creek fire include:
Rock Creek Campground and Day Use Area
Lone Pine Group Campground
Millpond Group Campground and Day Use Area
Sawmill Trail
North Umpqua Trail, Tioga Segment (BLM Managed)
Susan Creek Falls Trail
Areas accessible to the public:
Susan Creek Day Use Area
Susan Creek Boat Launch
Emerald Trail (Between Susan Creek Day Use Area and Tioga Bridge)
Susan Creek Campground will open this spring on a normal schedule
Tyee Campground (open for reservation through year around)
Cavitt Creek Campground and Day Use Area
Osprey Boat Launch
Wolf Creek Falls Trail
E-Mile Day Use Area
Cow Creek Back Country Byway
Island Creek Day Use Area