The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Lane County remains at 50 as of today. Nearly 3,200 tests from across the county have been sent to local labs, with 28 individuals recovered.
That was the update from today’s briefing. At one point, Lane County Public Health spokesperson Jason Davis explained a graph:
“The green line right here is our total recovered cases, and this pink line right here is our active cases," said Davis, holding the sheet. "That pink line has now dropped below our green line, so we now have more recovered cases than active cases. And we look forward to the total active cases going down to ‘zero’ soon.”

Davis says so far, two people have died from COVID-19 in the county. And no one is currently hospitalized.
Davis added that the supply of personal protective equipment remains sufficient, with nearly 22,000 masks and 1500 gowns.
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