With temperatures dropping severely the next few nights, Egan Warming Center Sites in Eugene and Springfield are expected to fill quickly. KLCC’s Briana Friden reports the late season cold is creating a demand for more volunteers.
The cold snap and a lack of volunteers have put a strain on Egan Warming Center’s operations. Director Shelley Corteville says they’ve been scrambling to fill night and morning shifts, as the sites have been consistently filling up with guests. Corteville says that the Center’s mission is to provide a safe, warm place for homeless people to sleep when it’s freezing outside.
“Saving lives, there’s nothing more important than that. That’s really what we’re in the business of. The way to do that is to welcome our guests, and we need volunteers to do that”
Corteville says that because cold temperatures are expected to continue, more activation nights are predicted in upcoming weeks, and more volunteers are needed.
New Volunteer Orientation and Training:
When: Feb. 27th, Tuesday
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30: pm
Where: First United Methodist Church 1376 Olive St., Eugene