The Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde on Monday officially opened a new treatment center in Salem for people struggling with opioid addiction.…
Oregon has many historic and geological sites with informative signage. What’s been missing until recently is much recognition of the time before Lewis…
All nine Oregon tribes have Cultural Resources departments. Some have archaeologists on staff, others have museums or archives. In recent years, the…
When Native Americans ceded their lands during the treaty era, much of it was forest. Today, many tribes – including those in Oregon – are not only…
The federal government is failing to meet its obligations to Native American tribes, according to a new report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.…
All over Oregon, words that haven't been said out loud for generations are being spoken again. The work to revitalize native languages has accelerated in…
Many Oregon place names have Native American roots. Some of them teach lessons about the land and its history, others are more like a game of “telephone”…
The National Park Service and Interior Department have announced $60 million in historic preservation grants to states and tribes, including Oregon.…
The Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde are celebrating the return of 16 artifacts from Europe. As KLCC’s Brian Bull explains, the items are back…
Three Oregon Indian tribes have received more than a million dollars from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As KLCC’s Brian Bull…
Some Oregon public schools will be allowed to keep their Native American Mascots…at least for now. The State Board of Education last week said that’s only…