The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians have won nearly a million dollars to support sexual assault and abuse survivors.
Fashion show a part of greater movement to boost small businesses in Indian Country
Northwest scientists say the region’s unique geology could help the planet. To keep heat-trapping gasses out of the atmosphere, researchers want to pump CO2 deep underground.
Around this time each year, women and girls from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation gather wild celery. They say their ancestors come back through the plant, and the ceremonial dig marks the arrival of spring.
Oregon has many historic and geological sites with informative signage. What’s been missing until recently is much recognition of the time before Lewis…
While the business of art is always in flux, the Indigenous art community may see more dramatic change than most. As part of our series “Native Oregon…
Many Oregon place names have Native American roots. Some of them teach lessons about the land and its history, others are more like a game of “telephone”…