Missteps and technical problems associated with the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid are fueling concerns about the government’s ability to serve students from immigrant families effectively.
White supremacy has made recent local news, between Jeremy Christian’s murder trial in Portland, and the presence of white nationalist groups in rallies…
Public comment ended Monday (12/10) on the Trump Administration’s proposal to change how the federal government oversees the use of public benefits by…
There may be as many as 150-thousand indigenous Latinos in Oregon, with a recent boost from immigrants fleeing organized crime and violence in Guatemala.…
Earlier this week we reported on a series of “IMMIGRANTS WELCOME” posters that were removed at a bilingual elementary school in Eugene.A contractor…
Eugene school officials say they’re still working with police on the possibly unlawful removal of immigrant-friendly posters in a grade school. KLCC’s…
A recent Census Bureau survey shows that people from Asia make up a third of all immigrants in Oregon. They are our fastest growing minority and our…
President Trump is proposing cutting legal immigration by half. The federal government has ramped up arrests of undocumented foreigners. The dreamers are…
The Space Between Us: Immigrants, Refugees and Oregon, is the next topic in the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project. The conversation is being led in…
Downtown Springfield is highlighting its business scene tomorrow. The third annual “First Day of Springfield” event will benefit not only a non-profit…