Oregon cities say they’re trying to meet the state’s housing goals - but need help building the infrastructure required to add new residents.
City leaders around the state want more authority to remove encampments they deem problematic. Homeless advocates say it’s a distraction from real solutions.
A group of Oregon cities is asking for the option to spend more of their tourism revenue on essential services.
The city of Eugene says it has fewer per capita staff now than it did before the Great Recession - and it's about to make more cuts.
A new law went into effect this year that allows all Oregon cities to use photo radar to enforce speed limits. But motorists shouldn’t expect to see a flood of new cameras right away.
Dozens of Oregon cities and towns say a shortage of shovel-ready industrial land has cost them economic opportunities. And they can’t afford the infrastructure to prepare that land for development.
The city of Newport is considering whether its city council members should be paid a stipend.
Oregon cities are asking state lawmakers to come up with a way to help utility customers to catch up on paying their bills. As Oregon’s jobless rate…
All 241 of Oregon's incorporated citites, both urban and rural, are members of the organization.This week the League of Oreon Cities is hosting its 93rd…