A protest is planned at Roseburg High School this Sunday against its team name, the “Indians”. The event challenges an agreement between the school and a…
The Marcola School District is removing all traces of its old “Mohawk Indians” mascot. Nowhere is that more evident than inside the high school gymnasium.…
After months of input and deliberation, the Marcola School District is closer to having a new, official mascot. As KLCC’s Brian Bull reports, it’ll…
Efforts to end Native American mascots – or keep them, with local tribes’ approval – have left 16 Oregon school districts until July 1st to act. KLCC’s…
After 90 years, the Marcola School District is dropping its mascot, the Mohawk Indians. While some locals saw it as a point of pride, others deemed it…
This week we’re launching a new series, the “KLCC Listening Tour”, which will have our reporters covering stories from across our listening area. Among…
The Reedsport School District may stop using its Braves mascot after hearing from a local tribe. Oregon law requires schools to discontinue Native…
Meeting Date: Friday, January 9, 2015Air Date: Monday, January 12, 2015The American Anthropological Association recently condemned the use of Indian…
The Oregon Legislature must wrap up the current session no later than March 9. To get an update on what the Oregon House and Senate are still working on,…