Oregon’s Office of Resilience and Emergency Management announced it has closed its long-term shelter program from the 2020 wildfires.
Effective this month, Oregon’s Office of Emergency Management is now a standalone state agency.
Last year, 911 dispatchers took 2 million emergency calls in Oregon-- responding to pandemic, floods, fires and a destructive winter storm. Governor Kate…
This year’s wildfires have left a lingering hazard: burn scars and compromised soil. This means potential flooding and landslides throughout the…
Oregon rescue crews are seeing an uptick in lost or stranded travelers this year. An official has tips on how to keep safe if you have to venture…
More than 4,000 people have applied for federal disaster aid following the series of wildfires in Oregon.The aid is available to people in the eight…
If the Cascadia earthquake happened right now, would you know what to do? That’s the question emergency preparedness planners want you to ask yourself in…
Oregon is among 12 states to receive Enhanced Mitigation status from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.States with Enhanced Mitigation Plans have…