A mountain 35 miles southeast of Eugene has been officially renamed to something less controversial.
Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, there’s been an increase in hate crimes nationally. The public has been shocked by incidents including the…
Police continue to investigate hate speech graffiti painted on private and public spaces in Eugene earlier this week. The city encourages anyone with…
Multiple swastikas were painted on sidewalks, benches, poles-- and one downtown Eugene business, Wednesday morning. The Eugene Police Department is…
A city official is responding to an FBI report showing Eugene has the highest number of hate crimes in Oregon. KLCC’s Brian Bull reports. The FBI’s 2017…
Junction City police are asking for leads on who sprayed racist graffiti on a local residence.Chief Bob Morris says officers arrived at the scene Sunday…
The City of Eugene released its sixth annual Hate and Bias Crime report this weekend. It showed a near-70 percent increase in reported incidents. KLCC’s…
Eugene police have announced a fourth case of swastika graffiti in the city. And they say a white supremacist flyer was posted near a home displaying a…
A third case of swastika graffiti has been reported in Eugene. Police say the latest target was a church. KLCC’s Brian Bull reports. Reverend Adam…